YMCO EduYouth
See all YMCO EduYouth
Delivered by Amber Lewis (Welsh Youth Parliament Education and Engagement Officer)
The Welsh Youth Parliament delivered an engaging session that inspired the young people to get more involved in joining the Parliament and being part of the change in Wales. The session allowed the group to voice their opinions and truly feel heard – resulting in their questions being forwarded onto the Education Minister Kirsty Williams. The session successfully sparked an interest in the youth about using their voice to make positive change in the future.
Delivered by Amber Lewis (Welsh Youth Parliament Education and Engagement Officer)
The Welsh Youth Parliament delivered an engaging session that inspired the young people to get more involved in joining the Parliament and being part of the change in Wales. The session allowed the group to voice their opinions and truly feel heard – resulting in their questions being forwarded onto the Education Minister Kirsty Williams. The session successfully sparked an interest in the youth about using their voice to make positive change in the future.