Local News & YMCO Updates

Written by:

Abdul Samad

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Support the Creation of a Unique Community Hub in Newport

Alhamdulillah, by the grace of Allah, we at YMCO are thrilled to announce the upcoming launch of Newport’s inaugural Muslim-run Community Hub! This is a landmark moment, and we need your help to make it a reality.

Our goal is to raise £300,000 to fully establish and equip this vital facility. We are aiming for an initial £100,000 by the end of Ramadan to kickstart the renovations as soon as possible.

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Why Support the YMCO Hub?


The YMCO Hub aims to be a vibrant focal point for our community, offering a wide range of activities, programs, and educational opportunities tailored to everyone—from young to old and every group in between. With a particular emphasis on youth and marginalized groups, here’s what the YMCO Hub plans to offer:

Youth Development:

  • Youth clubs and social gatherings
  • Structured developmental courses
  • Tutoring for GCSEs and A-levels
  • Homework help and IT clubs
  • Sports and outdoor activities

Women’s Programs:

  • Female-only youth clubs
  • Fitness and self-defense classes
  • Dedicated crèche facilities
  • Exclusive events and functions

Islamic Education:

  • Structured Islamic courses
  • Classes in Quran, Arabic, and Hifdh
  • Outreach and Dawah programs
  • Regular lectures and weekly classes


  • Fully-equipped commercial kitchen
  • Specialized crèche/nursery room
  • Library and learning area
  • Accessible toilets and baby changing facilities
  • Classrooms, office space, and a terraced roof garden

Invest in Your Community

Remember, as narrated in Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim:

“When a son of Adam dies, his good works come to an end, except for three: sadaqah jariyyah (ongoing charity), beneficial knowledge (that he discovered or propagated), and a righteous child who will pray for him.”

Contributing to the YMCO Hub qualifies as sadaqah jariyyah, a form of charity that continues to benefit you beyond your lifetime. This is an opportunity to invest not only in your community and city but also in your eternal hereafter.

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Note: This project will commence following the approval of the change of use in our planning application.

We pray that you will seize this precious chance to contribute to building a beacon for community development and spiritual growth in Newport.